Human Handover Preferences


Team level settings

Note that these settings are at the team level, for every team you have to set the preferences. Choose the team from the drop-down in the top right corner.


Human Handover Preferences

Under Human Handover Preference Page, Admin users will be able to:

  • Select the team where these preferences will be applied from the combo box on the upper right corner of the page.
  • Enable/disable Human Handover for a selected bot.
  • Enable / Disable agents to access virtual team chats. This toggle button will enable agents on the predefined team to search and take over chats currently assigned to a bot.
  • Enable / Disable sticky agent. The sticky agent feature allows to route new incoming chats from returning users to the last agent they spoke to.


📘 Sticky agent feature - additional notes

  • New interactions from returning users will be routed to the last agent ONLY if the agent's assigned team and skills human matches the handover widget settings.
  • If the last agent the user spoke to is not available or it reaches the maximum chats it can take, the chat will be routed to any other agent with the assigned skills within the team
  • For new users, the chat will be routed to any agent available with the assigned skills (skills are optional) within the team

* Enable chat assignment by the routing engine.
* Define how many chats an agent could handle.
* Define the time frame for measuring the Service Level Agreement. The service level agreement tracks how many conversations agents answered within the predefined time period, tracking the first message sent by the agent after the interaction was assigned.

SLA default settings

The default SLA value for new and existing teams will be 1 minute.

  • Set the operational hours of the team so that the chatbot will show a predefined message whenever a user tries to reach an agent outside of working hours.

Once you set the team preferences, save the changes by pressing the Save button at the bottom of the screen.