Number Masking Applications

In this section, you will be acquainted with creating a Number Masking Voice Application, which is necessary for using the Unifonic Voice APIs.

To create Number Masking Voice Application

  1. Give your voice app a name, this can be changed anytime.
  2. Assign a Caller ID to this voice app. from the corresponding drop-down list. Do take note that only Caller ID type - Number Masking can be used.


If you cannot find a suitable Caller ID, simply request another Caller ID that could be applicable.

  1. Set your call recording preferences. If set to true (green), each call that happens on a Number Masking session will be recorded. And the recording can be found in the call logs.
  2. Upload your greeting audio file, which is to be played when a valid caller places a call to this Caller ID. (Optional)
    This could be a simple message that informs the caller that they have dialed your number and that the call will now be transferred to the other party. This audio file is optional.
  1. Upload your Caller Not Found audio file. This is necessary as it informs an invalid caller that they are not paired with any other parties for a Number Masking session.

Now the application has been successfully created, it will be on the Application Page.


The AppsId as seen is used as your API key.