Building a Flow

This is a quick guide about how you can create a flow, either from scratch or based on a template. Then what elements do you need to build it, so then you can publish it and finally test it to make sure it works as you expected.

Start from scratch

To create a flow from scratch first you should log into our UC console, then on the main menu in the applications list, you will see Flow Studio. Once there, click on the start a fresh flow button.



We offer you some predefined templates which cover some most typical use cases for the Flow Studio. This will help you speed up the process to quickly create a flow. You can access the templates section either from the main menu of the Flow Studio or via the dashboard.



Once you complete the steps previously mentioned you will land in the trigger selection modal. On that screen, you should select the action that triggers the flow. Read the description of each trigger to select the one that fits your requirements. Please note that once you select an option you cannot change it.


After you select the trigger you will land in the Flow Studio canvas. Flow studio canvas is composed of objects that allow you to build a full omnichannel communication (Triggers, Widgets, Variables, and Parameters). Once you select your trigger you will see on the right side the parameters associated with that trigger are displayed.


Then you can add more actions/Widgets under the trigger either by clicking on the plus icon under the trigger in the canvas, which then will display the list of widgets that you can add to the flow or by dragging from the list of widgets in the left side panel and then drop it under the trigger.


Make sure, that every time you configure a widget/trigger, click on the save button of the parameters to make sure your changes and configuration of the widget/trigger are correctly saved.

Save as Draft

Now that you are building your flow you can save your progress so you do not lose your flow. You just need to click on the save draft button and then automatically all your progress will be saved without publishing it. This is a good way to keep saving your progress without making your flow live.



After the flow is built you can make it public by just clicking on the Publish button. This will change the status of your flow to Active status and then you can start to execute the flow. It is worth mentioning that in case there is an error in the flow parameters or missing configuration you will get an error message that you cannot publish your flow. Please make sure all your widgets and triggers are correctly configured and then try to publish it again.



This option is only available once your flow is in the active status. Once you click on the test button a modal is displayed where you should add the value of the variables that you configured in your trigger and then once you are done, you click on the execute button and the flow is executed based on the variables received.