Managing Account Users

In this section, you will be acquainted with how to add users to your account. You will also be able to select what role(s) they can have and based on the selected role(s), their user accounts will have different capabilities.

To access your Account Users' management:

  1. Go to Unifonic Cloud; following this link.
  2. Navigate to User Management section highlighted below.
  1. Click Users to get all the account's users. You can edit or add new users.
  1. Filter or search for users using the highlighted controls, which are available across the platform for any tabular view.

To add a new user,

  1. Click "Add New User" highlighted below to add the new user's details.
  1. Simply fill out the form below.
  2. Submit it and the user will be created.



The added users will receive an email notification with the steps that follow to access their account using their credentials.


To edit a user details

  1. Select the required user.
  2. Click Edit next to the selected user as shown below.
  3. Go ahead and edit the required details of the selected user.

In case you need to deactivate any user from accessing their account, you can do this in the edit screen by toggling this switch: