Logging into Flow Studio

This page takes you to Flow Studio from the Unifonic cloud

In this section, you will be acquainted with the steps to log in to your account and how to reset your password.

To log in to your account

  1. Go to (https://cloud.unifonic.com) to log in to the application.
  1. Enter your registered email address and password.
  2. Click SIGN IN.
  3. After submitting your email and password you will be prompted to enter a 2FA (2 Factor Authentication) code
  4. Once the user enters a valid 2FA code, the user is logged in.



Users can opt for 2FA either via SMS or Email, SMS is the default but could be changed in the Profile Settings.

To reset your password

  1. Go to https://cloud.unifonic.com
  2. Click Forgot Password.
  1. Enter your registered email address and click Reset Password.



If the email address entered is registered on the Unifonic cloud, the user will be prompted for a 2FA verification.

  1. After entering a valid 2FA code, an email will be sent to the registered email address, containing a reset password link.
  1. Click the link Link to reset credentials to reset your password.



Once the new password is set, the user can successfully log in using the newly set password.