
النسخة العربية

لعرض النسخة باللغة العربية اضغط هنا

Rest API

  • 200 SUCCESS
  • 400 No rules matched
  • 401 Authentication failed
  • 402 Missing parameter AppSid
  • 403 Invalid IP Address
  • 404 Incompatible API version
  • 406 Wrong parameter format
  • 409 This message is duplicate
  • 410 Invalid recipient format
  • 412 Message body is too long
  • 415 Invalid hex string
  • 417 Wrong body format
  • 419 Wrong date format in request
  • 420 Page limit Exceeds
  • 421 No message body specified
  • 422 No recipient parameter specified
  • 423 Required timeScheduled parameter is not passed
  • 429 Too many requests generated by this user
  • 431 MessageId is empty
  • 432 MessageId must be numeric
  • 440 Wrong sender format
  • 449 Message body is empty
  • 450 Too many destination numbers provided
  • 451 TimeScheduled parameter must indicate time in the future
  • 452 User must specify either messageId or recipient parameter
  • 455 Scheduled message not found for this User
  • 456 Wrong correlationId format
  • 459 Authentication parameters are incorrectly base64 encoded
  • 460 Invalid encoding (Should be UCS2 or GSM7)
  • 480 This user cannot use specified SenderID
  • 481 Country does not exist
  • 482 Invalid dest num
  • 483 Operator is not found
  • 499 Error in configuration request
  • 546 Incompatible external data type in configuration
  • 548 Wrong dictionary configuration for response parameter
  • 599 Request failed