Setting Up The Channel

In this section, you will be guided through the channels setup process in Unifonic Console.

Create New Web Widget

Go to Channels -> Web Widget in Unifonic Console to create a new Web Widget channel.

Then you would need to give a name to your widget

Then you would click Next and will be directed to the settings screen, where you can set up your Web Widget appearance and initial behaviour.

Set Up Appearance

This is where you can define major look & feel settings such as:

  • Web Widget main icon
  • Main title for the Web Widget
  • Header icon
  • Bot icon
  • Guide text message
  • Font colour & primary colour for the Web Widget window
  • Window position
  • Show/hide "Powered by Unifonic" brand text

Once this is done you can move to the system settings configuration to be able to use your Web Widget in a web or mobile app.

System Settings

System settings include:

  • Website URL, a website where you will be hosting the widget
  • Code snippet - a path to the Javascript code that will be executing the widget on your web page
  • Sound settings for the new message received event


No code snippet?

The code snippet will be shown once the web widget is connected to a chatbot.

You will need to associate an existing chatbot or create a new one according to the Chatbot User Guide

Once a web widget is connected to a chatbot, the code snippet is now visible.

User Management

In the User Management section you can specify the behaviour for the Web Widget and the bot display mode for both new users landing the web page or returning users.
When the new user opens up the web page, the widget can either:

  • Auto-open the chatbot
  • Show pop-up message
  • Do nothing
    Each of the modes would have a corresponding setting available.

First, you would want to define the behaviour of the new users visiting the web page.

Different behaviour can be specified for returning users, you can also set how exactly the system shall count users as new vs returning taking into account the last visit time.

Pop-up Messages

A pop-up message can be set for the web widget to increase its visibility on a noisy website or when you want to make sure users would notice the widget.


Can't add popup message?

This feature will be shown once the web widget is connected to a chatbot.

You will need to associate an existing chatbot or create a new one according to the Chatbot User Guide

Once your web widget is connected to a chatbot, you will be able to create pop up messages.

Once the Web Widget channel setup is complete you will need to provision your Chatbot according to the Chatbot User Guide

Setup for Web and Mobile

Please place the code snippet on every web page where you want the widget to be active. Once done, visit the website page that you have specified in the settings (Website URL) and make sure the widget is visible.

You can use the webview component on your mobile app to open the desired web page that will display the widget. An example Android code that displays the webview might be:

WebView myWebView = (WebView) findViewById(;
WebSettings webSettings = myWebView.getSettings();