SMS Campaigns (User Guide)


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Creating SMS Campaign

In order to create a new SMS campaign, perform the following:

  1. Navigate to Campaigns menu item from the left menu bar.

  1. The following screen appears, where the user is able to select the required campaign type, and start the creation process.
  1. From the previous screen, click Start New Campaign button, then select the required campaign type from the drop-down list.
  1. Select New SMS Campaign, then a new screen appears where the user is able to add the required campaign name, then click Confirm Step for the next step.


  1. The Name field accepts all letters and numbers but special characters.
  2. Name inquiry icon states that each campaign should have a unique name.
  1. Add the required sender names manually from the drop-down list.

Or, by enabling the button to add the required content, where the user is able to add a file of a group of recipients either excel file or CSV.

Note: The Excel file accepts up to 250k recipients, and the CSV file accepts a higher volume of recipients.

Sender’ IDs, Recipients and Message body from file inquiry icon states the following:

  1. The system allows the user to download a sample file to follow the same pattern while creating theirs, then the user should select the file from the computer then click Upload .
  2. Specify the country codes autocompletion, the user can enable the button in case all senders’ numbers refer to the same country.

or can disable it in case the file has different country codes.

The country codes autocompletion inquiry icon states the following:

  1. The user is able to add the recipients in three different forms.

a. Adding recipients manually then click Add button.

b. Adding recipients from already defined groups.

c. Adding recipients by uploading a recipients’ file either excel or CSV.
Note: The Excel file accepts up to 250k recipients, and the CSV file accepts a higher volume of recipients.

  1. Write the message content, or choose from a template.
  1. Choose the message type from the drop-down list, then click Confirm Step , or you can cancel the whole process by clicking Cancel button.

Note: The message type inquiry icon state the following:

Campaigns List

  1. The system allows the user to access the campaign overview by navigating to the Campaigns menu item from the left menu bar, then clicking the preview icon.
  1. After selecting the required campaign by filtering through the filter icon.

The following screen shows an overview of the selected campaign.