Creating a New Campaign
This guide will provide you step by step help to create a New campaign
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Login to the Unifonic cloud platform
Once you have logged into, you will be directed to this page
From the main menu select the ‘Campaigns’ option.
Click the Start New Campaign button and select WhatsApp. You will be directed to the campaign creation wizard as shown below.
There are four steps to creating your campaign.
Step-1: Campaign Details
Give your campaign a unique name and your WhatsApp business numbers will appear in the 'WhatsApp business Number' dropdown. Select the required business number, all the campaign messages will be delivered to the
end-user from this business number only.
Number Quality and Tier Limit
To protect the end customers from spam messaging, WhatsApp has a strict controlling mechanism around this.
- Every number will have a quality rating attached to it, if the customers started reporting the messages as spam, the quality rating will go down. You can see the quality rating of your number on the screen.
- Every number will have a tier limit, this will cap the number of unique users you can send messages to in a day. the tier limit starts from 1K, 10K, 100K and Unlimited. If your number quality is down, the tier limit also goes down.
To know more about quality rating and tier limits see [here]
Click on NEXT to proceed
Hints & Tips!
You can save your campaign as a Draft at any step and you can come back when you are ready to edit your campaign.
Step-2: Recipients
Now you will be directed to the second step of the campaign Recipients. Where you can add the numbers you want to send the campaign. There are three ways you can add the recipient number
1. Add Manually
Here you can add numbers manually, you can type in numbers or copy-paste the numbers separated by a comma. Make sure all the numbers have a valid country code as a prefix. Usually, this option is used to send campaigns with a smaller group of contacts. For a large number of contacts, we advise you to use file upload.
Hints & Tips!
You can enable the Autocomplete country codes feature if your recipients' numbers do not have a country code as a pre-fix. This feature will add the country code of your choice to all the numbers.
2. From file
This feature enables you to upload a large number of contacts in a file. We support CSV and Excel file formats. Make sure all the numbers have a valid country code as a prefix.
Make sure you follow the below instructions while preparing the recipients file
File format directions
Make sure you follow the below instructions while preparing the file
- A sample file format is available to download on the page
- In the excel sheet the customer mobile number column, you must name the column header as 'mobile number'
- If the template you are going to select in the next step contains any dynamic variables, add those to the recipient's list in separate columns as shown in the sample file, so that you can map those values to the variables in the next step. To know more about variables see What are message variables?
- supported file formats .xlsx and .csv
The maximum limit for file upload
- The maximum number of contacts allowed in a file is five million contacts through CSV file format and one million contacts through Excel file format
- The maximum file size allowed is 100 MB
File with errors: When you upload the contacts, the system will run a validation check to identify the invalid numbers. This validation will check for country-specific number length and invalid formats. All the invalid numbers will be marked (an error code is added next to the invalid number) and an error file will be generated so that you can download and rectify the numbers.
You have two options here
- Download the error file, rectify the errors mentioned in the file and re-upload the file again to proceed
- Or you can simply skip the numbers and go forward by clicking on the 'Next' button.
In case you skipped the contacts, all invalid numbers will be removed from the campaign and put under the message status ‘not submitted to the channel’ with the error code 'invalid number’
3. Unifonic contacts book
Unifonic has a contacts book, which you can access under the unifonic cloud platform. You can upload contacts and create groups.
To add contacts to the campaign, select the ' add from contacts' options and select one or multiple groups. All the contacts from these groups will be added to the campaign.
No contacts format validation
No number validation is performed on these numbers, make sure all numbers are in the correct format.
Click NEXT to proceed.
Step-3: Message
You will be directed to the next step of the campaign wizard - Message Details. using a campaign on the WhatsApp channel you can only send template messages. Here you can select a WhatsApp template from the list of approved templates (by WhatsApp) under your account.
To know how to create a WhatsApp template see WhatsApp messages types and how to submit the template messages
Select a template and desired language. Once you selected a language a message preview will be shown. The message preview is how your customer can see your message on their device (this is not an exact replica of the customer's mobile view, but a generic preview to view the message content only).
Hints & Tips!
If you want to edit or change something from the previous step without losing the configurations, you can always click Previous button to go back to the previous step, and NEXT to go to the next step.
If any variables are available in the message, a variable mapping section will be displayed, from here you need to map the variables with the appropriate values. To know more about variables see What are message variables?
If the template has a header with media (image, video, or PDF), you need to either provide a public media URL or you can directly upload the file. To know more about the file upload feature see What is media upload
You can also insert tracking URLs in the message as variables using Unifonic's uLink. To know more about uLink see How to insert track URLs?
If you are using a carousel template message, please refer to this page for more detailed instructions on how to configure the message. Carousel template
Multi-template campaign
Multi template campaign allows you to select multiple WhatsApp templates in a campaign, divide the campaign into batches and send the campaign in chunks. A different template will be used for every batch, and you can select a gap between each batch starting from 15 min to 2 hours. You can select up to 10 templates in a single campaign.
To select an adiitional template you have to click on the + icon next the template tab. All template configrations are same as mentioned in this document
This will enable you to send campaigns to a large group of recipients, without worrying about the WhatsApp template quality issues. Since the templates are dynamically changed for each batch, the quality of the templates will not much impact the delivery rate of the campaign.
For more details on this topic please read Campaign processing conditions and exceptions
Click NEXT to proceed
Step-4: Review & Trigger
you can review the entire campaign for the final time in a birds-eye view. In case of multiple templates are selected, choose the required template name to preview the template on the mobile preview section. If you need to edit any detail in the campaign you can click on the edit icon and make the changes.
TEST CAMPAIGN: To see firsthand how your message will be delivered to the device and to make sure the media and links in the message are appearing and working fine for the end user; you can send a test message to your device and instantly receive the message without breaking the campaign creation flow. To know more about this feature please read Sending a Test Message
Once everything is set, then you can
- Divide and send campaign in batches This feature allows you to chunk the campaign into smaller batches and send the batches with a gap in between. You can break a campaign into 10 batches max and select a gap between each batch from 15 min to 2 hours. The system will process and send the messages in batches and adhere to the rest time between batches.
Note: For multi-template campaigns, the batch size is predefined based on the number of templates. A batch will be automatically created for every template added, you cannot edit the batch number in this case.
For more details on this topic please read Campaign processing conditions and exceptions
- Schedule the campaign for a future date and time and at the time of schedule, the campaign will be auto-initiated.
- Or you can initiate the campaign right away
2FA Verification
You have to verify yourself using a 2FA verification process before you initiate your campaign. Only when we successfully validated the OTP you entered, then only your campaign will be saved.
Initially, the OTP will be sent to the preferred channel you have configured under your profile settings.
Restriction on campaign timing!
- According to the CITC regulations and other local regulating authorities, you cannot send a promotional campaign between 10 PM - 9 AM. So scheduling and initiating campaigns between this window is blocked.
- If the campaign has multiple batches (multiple templates or devided in to batches manually),and if the campaign goes over the restrcited time; then the next remaining batches, if any, will be paused and the same will be resumed on the next day.
Congrats! you have successfully created a campaign.
Once the campaign is initiated, all messages will be sent, and all the message statuses will be tracked. You can track the campaign outcome and analytics from the campaign details page, instantly after the campaign is initiated.
To know more about the campaign analytics and reports, see Analytics & Reports
Updated about 2 months ago
Refer to the below useful pages before creating a campaign