SMS Service Trials

Using the Trials from the platform GUI (Campaigns & Quick SMS)

When the user uses the UNITEST sender ID, Unifonic restricts the recipients as shown below.

The user can only send messages to himself from Campaigns & Quick SMS.


Quick SMS:

Unifonic also restricts the content to a predefined test message in English & Arabic.

To select the Arabic trial message, the user has to select it from the template below (same steps for the campaigns and quick SMS).

To use our trial APIs, you'll need the same "UNITEST" sender ID as used in our Campaigns and Quick SMS features. You can send test messages to any number associated with your account users.

To find the list of numbers that can receive trial messages, please go to “Admin > Users”.

The content has to be one of the following:

  • English:

This is a trial SMS message in English. Change the template to try another language.

  • Arabic:

.هذه رسالة تجريبية نصية قصيرة باللغة العربية. قم بتغيير القالب لتجربة لغة أخرى

List of Support Countries

Unifonic needs to list the supported countries in the documentation, so that, customers know which countries the trial Sender ID can operate in.

KSA Local




