Skills Configuration


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Admin Users can view the skills currently in place within the platform by clicking on the Skills submenu.

The Skill page includes the list of all the skills created, their description, the total number of agents assigned to that skill, and the date it was last updated. On the skills page, an Admin user can perform the following actions:
1. Search among the list of skills by the skill name
2. Add a new skill
3. Sort skills by skill name, number of agents assigned to the skill (either as primary skill or secondary skill), or when the skill was last updated
4. Go to the skill detail page by pressing the view option

Skills page

Skills page

Adding a new skill

The "Add Skill" button pop-up is where the Admin User will provide a name to the skill (required field), add a description (required field) and add existing agents (included in the “All users list”) who have that skill (either as primary or secondary).

New skill pop-up window

New skill pop-up window

Skill details page

The solution will display the skill details page upon creating the new skill. The skill details page includes information on the list of agents who have an assigned skill, the login ID of each agent, the teams assigned to the agent, the type of skill, others skills given to the agent, and the last agent login date.

The available actions for Admin users on the skill details page are:
1. Search skills by agent name or by teams where the skill is assigned
2. Edit skill details
3. Delete the current skill

Skills details page

Skills details page


Removing agents from a skill

Note that removing agents from a skill might impact the existing routing rules in different teams

By clicking on Edit skill, the Admin user will be able to:
1. Edit the name of a skill
2. Edit a skill description
3. Add or remove a skill from agents either as a primary or secondary skill

Deleting a skill

To delete a skill from the skills details page, the Admin user must remove all the agents from the skill first; otherwise, the Delete skill button would be disabled.