Make a Call - Voice Widget

The Make a Call widget allows you to dial the phone number of the contact who reaches your studio flow. You can use this widget to reach your contact with an automated call or follow-up by adding voice messages.


Please note that the Make a Call Widget uses the Unifonic Voice Applications & API to make calls.

Required Configuration for Make a Call Widget

The Make a Call widget requires two pieces of information:

  • Outgoing voice applications with a number to make calls and functions properly.
Parameter NameDescription
Application Name This dropdown will show all the applications you have previously created on our voice channel.
Caller Id This is the Souce number that will be displayed on the user's handset. This dropdown will display all the CallerIds associated with your account that you previously registered on our Voice Channel.

In case you select the Random Caller Id. Then from the list of available Caller Ids that you have for the selected Country we will send calls randomly from the list of caller Ids.
Destination number This parameter allows you to configure the destination number where you want to send the message. The number must be in the international format and with the + icon as a prefix. I,e: +971562600000.

In this field, you can also use a variable. So every time a flow is executed the destination number change. Just include the double brackets ( {{ ) and then a pop-up with available variables will be shown.
Call Id This is an optional parameter where you can create a variable that will store the Call Id returned by the Voice Service and later on you can use it in the voice logs section for further tracking.
Call Status This is an optional parameter where you can create a variable that will store the Call status returned by the Voice Service and later on you can use it in the API request so you can store that data in any external system.
FailOver This option allows you to do a fail-over action based on the call status. So in case the call is answered you can create a full IVR journey or in case the call is not answered you can pick any other widget to retry the call or even trigger another channel.