How to create a Conference Bridge

Sometimes, we just all need to talk.

In this section, you will be acquainted with how to send a list of recipients a call and add them into the same conference.

The conference verb documentation is available here

Trigger a voice call with conference verb

	"type" : "ivr",
	"callerId" : "+966115219086",
					“language”: “english”,  
					“voice”: “female”,  
					“say”: “Good morning. You will now be redirected into the conference room.",  
					**“conference”: true  ** 

By initializing the conference verb, once the say/play verb has been triggered, the recipient will now be sent into the conference bridge, awaiting for the other participants. You can list up to 250 recipients as you prefer in the recipient array.

Our API server will return you a response which will include a conferenceId - which is the identifier of this conference bridge.

    "status": "Request has been sent.",  
    "callId": "6260cc16-6732-455b-a61a-75db85603a38",  
    **"conferenceId": "f0XXXXba-a2X2-4a2c-afb4-8894758e19ef"  **  

Adding more participants into an existing conference bridge

If you wish to add more participants into an existing conference bridge, all you have to do, is to specify the conferenceId.

	"type" : "ivr",
	"callerId" : "+966115219086",
					“language”: “english”,  
					“voice”: “female”,  
					“say”: “Good morning. You will now be redirected into the conference room.",  
					**“conferenceId”: "f0XXXXba-a2X2-4a2c-afb4-8894758e19ef"  ** 


Having too many participants in the same conference bridge may result in confusion and drop in efficiency

Businesses are advised to keep conference bridge in small groups instead of big groups, as it can be difficult to decipher who's speaking at any point of time.