Handling chats from the chat panel

From the chat panel, agent can interact with the end customers.


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Agent's chat panel

Agent's chat panel

Present in a team

To be able to answer the chats from the end customers, the agent MUST log in and be available in assigned teams. below is the procedure to manage the presence on the platform.
1. Log in to UC and then navigate to the chatbot builder
2. Make sure they belong to a team
3. Change their presence status to "Available"

Agents can view the assigned teams and switch between teams as shown below:

Agent presence and teams selection panel

Agent presence and teams selection panel

The chat panel menu

The agent's chat panel is segregated into multiple sections for easy and fast navigation between the chats based on the chat status and assignment statuses. Agents can look for the relevant chats in the relevant section.

More details as below



  • The number next to the section represents the total chats under the section.
  • The red dot indicates that there are unread chats in the section.
Sections of the chat panel menu

Sections of the chat panel menu

OPENThis main section will hold the chats that are in OPEN status
AGENT CHATSUnder this section, all the chats that are being handled by agents are visible
Assigned to mechats that are assigned to the current agent (YOU)
Unassignedchats that are not assigned to any agent, but waiting for the agents to be answered
All assignedChats that are assigned to any agent in the team
BOT CHATSUnder this section, all the chats that are being handled by the bots/virtual agents are visible
All assignedChats that are currently assigned to and handled by the chatbot
CLOSEDThis main section will hold the chats that are in CLOSED status
All chatsChats that are in closed status, last handled by an agent or a bot
Agent chatsChats that are in closed status, last handled by an agent
Bot chatsChats that are in closed status, last handled by a bot

Chat assignment

Depending on the configuration set by the Contact Center administrator, the agents will have two options when handling incoming interactions:

  1. If auto-assignment is DISABLED from the Human Handover settings page, agents will be able to pick up chats directly from the queue
  2. If auto-assignment is ENABLED to route incoming chats to agents, agents will receive incoming interactions in their inbox

In the next section, you will find out how to answer incoming interactions, whether auto/assigned by the routing engine or self-pickup from the queue.

When auto-assignment is disabled

  • From the Unassigned tray, the agent chooses the conversation from the list of conversations
  • Agent presses the "Take Over Chat" button
  • The conversation is moved under the "Assigned to me" section. The agent can select the chat from here and start responding

When auto-assignment is enabled:
In this case, the agent will receive the incoming conversation directly under the "Assigned to me" section. The agent can select the chat from here and start responding.

Sending a response

Once the chat has been assigned to the agent, the agent can respond to the customer's messages. The agent can send below content types as a response to the customer message

Agent compose panel

Agent compose panel

  1. Plain text message
  2. Attachment with a file
  3. Image with captions
  4. Voice memo (record and send) max 3 min
  5. Emojis
  6. Whatsapp templates (only on the WhatsApp channel) find more details here WhatsApp Templates
  7. Canned responses (predefined)
  8. Notes - internal notes, not delivered to the end user


Shortcuts for agents

  • To send a message click Control + Enter for windows and command + Return for Mac
  • Type in / (slash) to load the canned responses and /type the letters to search the template by name or message content as shown in the below screenshot

Canned responses shortcut

Transfer a conversation

To transfer the current chat:
1. Select the "Transfer" button on the chat panel
2. Choose the team queue, skill, or agent from the drop-down list.
3. Press the "Transfer" button on the pop-up.

The conversation will be transferred and registered within the chat history.

Finishing a conversation

To finish the ongoing conversation with the user, the agent will press the green ticket on the upper right side of the chat window.

Search for a conversation

Agents can search for a specific conversation by using the search engine at the top of the agent console. The search engine allows agents and admin users to search by the assigned team, status (open or close), assignee, any word used in the conversation, date range, or sender address.


Access control - Search chat

  • Agents can only search the chats in a team that is assinged to him/her. Other team will be disabled.
  • To search and access Botchats (virtual team), admin has to enable the access on the team human handover settings page

Additional actions

  • See the user's information or add any additional information as required (i.e., Name, Phone, Email and add additional fields)
  • See the details of the current conversation
  • See the list of previous conversations between the user and the business
  • Copy transcript - allow to copy the entire conversation to the clip board


Access control- Conversation history

Agents can only access the chats that belongs to assinged teams of the agent. The other team chats cannot be accessible.


Agent CSAT surveys

We are enabling the business to create and configure a customer satisfaction survey to be sent after the agent has resolved an issue.

The survey details and the results are not visible to the agents. Only admin can access these details