Routing incoming interactions to agents

How Contact Center routes incoming interactions to agents


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The combination of teams and skills offers an improved way to route incoming chat interactions to agents.

Skills can be added to team members by an Admin user, to describe the agent's knowledge or qualification.

Assigning Skills to agents allows for choosing the best-qualified agents to handle an incoming interaction depending on the user's request.

When transferring interactions from a chatbot to an agent, a 2-levels rule can be applied. This means that on the chatbot Human Handover widget, you will need to set up:
1. A team (required field)
2. A skill (optional field)


Human handover widget

More information on the chatbot widgets can be found on the chatbot documentation pages.

The human handover of incoming chats to agents follows these rules:

1. The chat is assigned to the team’s queue
2. If the skill is set on the human handover widget, the routing engine will try to assign the chat to any available agent with the skill as a primary skill.
3. If there are no agents with the primary skill available, the routing engine will try to assign the chat to an available agent with the skill as a secondary skill.
4. If there are no available agents with the skill assigned as the primary or secondary skill, then the routing engine will assign the chat to any available agent on the team.
5. If no agents are available at the time of assignment, the chat will be placed in the team's queue. When the agents are back, they can pick the chats manually from the Unassigned tab.