Getting Started with Flow Studio


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Before getting started with Flow Studio, you have to activate the channels that will be a part of your flow, and then create the applications related to the selected channels.

Activating the Channels

You first need to start with activating the required channels to be used in Flow Studio.

The supported channels are:

  • Conversations
  • WhatsApp
  • SMS
  • Send SMS
  • Voice
  • Outbound Voice
  • Inbound Voice
  • Email
  • Send Email
  • Push Notifications
  • Send Push Notifications

Creating the Applications

Now, after the channels are activated you should create the required applications for each channel. Moreover, there are some resources needed to execute the flow.

The required resources for each channel:


  • A WABA instance activated.
  • An application ID linked to your WABA instance.
  • A template was created and approved.


  • An active Application Id.
  • A number with either voice outbound or inbound capabilities.
  • Audios that you want to use in the flow.


  • An approved sender ID.
  • An AppsId linked to your sender ID.


  • Subdomain to be registered to be used as the source email domain.

Push Notification

  • Configure the Unifonic SDKs in your app to be able to send Push notifications.

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