Executing Flows
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For example, the webhook trigger makes a call if the call answers you will follow the path if it doesn't answer it will follow the other way and go on a different sequence accordingly according to the trigger answering or not answering, and so on.
Every single trigger is described in detail accordingly.
Flow Studio is connected to other Unifonic applications if the users, for example, triggered an SMS campaign and they have Unifonic SMS installed on their machines they can find it on their SMS application.
Flow Studio uses the APIs of each channel.
To Test Flow Studio from the interface:
- Select one of the available flows from the flows just created.
Testing the flow is a kind of live execution before going really live; i.e. if you added an SMS campaign to your flow, for example, the SMSs will be actually received in the Test phase.
- Click the Test button, the Test dialogue box appears.
- Select one of the variables from the available variables in the Set Variable drop-down list.
- Enter the selected variable value in the corresponding textbox, and an indicative pop-up menu appears to suggest some of the values previously introduced by the user.
- The variable list starts to appear below in the Test dialogue box. The more variables added the longer list will be.
- Click the Add button next to the variable added.
- To remove a variable, click the remove icon next to it.
Updated 3 months ago