Contact Center Setup

This section describes how to set up the Contact Center solution


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After subscribing to the chatbot builder, you will be able to use the Unifonic Contact Center.

Setting up your solution with their preferred channels is quite easy and straightforward. All you need to do is follow these steps:
1. Setup your channels
2. Create admin users and agents
3. Create and configure teams and skills
4. Create a chatbot flow with the chatbot builder
5. Log in as an agent and test the flow

Set up your channels


The Unifonic Contact Center supports sending WhatsApp templates and free-form messages. Free-form messages include the following types of messages:

The following types are supported for free-form messages:

  • Text - up to 4096 characters
  • Media (Images/Documents/Audio/Video)
  • Location
  • Interactive Buttons
  • Interactive List
  • Contacts

More information on the types of messages supported by the Contact Center can be found on this link

Read how to set up the WhatsApp channel on this link

Facebook Messenger

Read how to set up the Facebook Messenger channel on this link

Twitter DM

Read how to support the Twitter channel on this link

Create users

Contact Center users need to be created on the Unifonic Cloud platform first. To create a new user on the UC platform, follow these steps:

  • Create the user on the UC Platform.
  • Assing a user role. If you create an Admin user, assign the "Account Admin" role. If creating an agent, assign the "Account user" role.


User roles on UC

"Account admin" users have privilege rights on the Contact Center, such as creating teams and skills and adding or removing members from the teams. Also, they can create users on Unifonic Cloud.

The "Account user" role has restricted access to configuring Contact Center. Users under this role access the Contact Center as agents.

  • Tell the user to login into the UC Platform and navigate to the bot under which they will work.
  • Check that the new user is created upon the "All users list", under Unifonic Contact Center > Settings > Account > Teams.
  • Tell the user to set up their profile

Notice that the "All users list" can not be considered a team, is not available for chat assignment, and is not editable.

Create teams and skills

When setting up your Contact Center, the last step is creating teams and skills, adding agents to your teams, and assigning them skills. Until assigned to a team, agents will not receive incoming interactions.

This guide will help you with team configuration and skills configuration.

Create a chatbot flow with the chatbot builder

You will need to link a chatbot flow with the team and skills you created in the Contact Center. After creating a flow for your chatbot, use the Human Handover widget on the chatbot builder to route incoming interactions from your customers that you have received to an agent.

The Human Handover widget will allow you to configure the team (required field) and the skills (optional field) to route conversation if the user needs an agent's assistance. You can also set the messages to deliver to your users in these cases:

  • When the human handover is successful
  • When the human handover is disabled
  • When there are no agents available
  • When the human handover occurs after operational hours

Please, review the chatbot builder documentation if you need more information on how to build your flows.