Canned Response


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Canned responses improve the agent’s productivity by allowing them to come up with quick replies. Teams will become much more responsive to the most frequently asked questions, and the quality of the replies will be better since they will be less prone to errors. Template messages can also be personalized by adding dynamic variables that will be mapped to the chat session (i.e., agent name, customer name, phone number, etc).

Admin users can create canned responses, add dynamic variables and assign the template messages on a team basis.

On the canned responses list page, the Admin user can:

  • Bulk delete Canned Response
  • Bulk assign Canned Responses to teams
  • Search among the list of Canned Responses by the template name or the teams assigned
  • Create a New Response
  • Sort Canned Responses by Date Created
  • View & Edit the current Canned Responses
  • Delete Canned Response
Canned response listing page

Canned response listing page

Adding a new canned response

To add a new canned response

  1. On the template list page, click Create a New Response.
  2. Assign a title to the Canned Response (mandatory field)
  3. Assign the new template to any of the existing teams. (optional)
  4. Add the text to the template - up to 4000 characters (mandatory field)
Create a new canned response

Create a new canned response

Adding variables to the template

Variables can be added to the template to personalize the message. When creating a template, two types of variables are supported:

Information-related variables
Variables that are mapped with information related to the current conversation. These variables will be automatically populated in the text editor once the agent has selected the template.
The list of variables related to the chat session available is shown below:

VariableVariable Name
User namevisitor_name
Team Nameteam_name
Agent Nameagent_name

External variables
External variables, that the agent will manually fill in before sending the message to the user. In this case, inserting the variable will serve as a marker to the agent, so he knows where to insert the value.

When creating the template message, insert the variable by using the following notation: #variable_name#



  • Variables must start and finish with the hash sign.
  • Variable names shall be with no spaces.

View and Edit a Canned Response
By selecting the View & Edit option, next to each Canned Response, the admin users will be able to edit the title, the assigned teams, and the text of the template.

Delete a Canned Response
By selecting Delete next to the Canned Response, the template will be deleted and unassigned.

Bulk Delete of Canned Responses

  1. On the right side of the Canned Response list page, select the checkboxes next to the templates you want to delete.
  2. At the top-left side of the screen, click Delete.

Bulk Assign Canned Responses to teams

  1. Select one or multiple canned responses using the checkbox next to the templates you want to assign to one or multiple teams.
  2. Click on the Assign to Teams button on the top-left side of the screen
  3. From the screen-pop, assign the selected canned responses to the teams
Bulk assign canned responses to teams

Bulk assign canned responses to teams