๐Card Application
๐ Credit or Debit Card application
For this use case, we will provide clear instructions and insights into:
- Inputting Application Details: Enter the required details such as application reference number, applicant's name, or any other identifiers as prompted.
- Submission and Verification: Submit the entered information and verify accuracy to ensure the system can process the status inquiry correctly.
- System Processing: Allow the system some time to process the request and retrieve the current status of your application from the database.
- Display of Application Status: Once processed, the bot will display the current status of your application.
You can now start building your Card application journey:
Go to Chatbot in the left side navigation and click Create New Chatbot
Define your "Chatbot Name" and choose your Channel "WhatsApp", then click Create
Add a List widget and name it (e.g Application Inquiries) then:
Add your message in the Body (e.g Choose the service you need)
Start to Add List Item and for each item define (the list may contain different services related to Cards inquiries, like Card Types, Apply for a Card):
- Item Name (e.g Card Application), and optionally add a description
- Item Payload - This defines the value that will be returned to the chatbot if a user selects this item (e.g option1)
Define the variable that you will use to navigate the user to the correct answer based on his selection (e.g Add ItemPayload as a variable name in Save List payload in this variable - This will save the list item payload in the defined variable)
Now add a Branch widget and define the number of branches based on the list items, wherein each branch:
- Define the Variable that captured the user's selection - In this example, we named the variable ItemPayload
- Define the Operator and Value for this variable that will enable this branch - in this example, the Value is option1
Optionally you can add a Button widget in the relevant Branch if you want the user to first select for example Debit or Credit card. Define the _Name _and _Payload _of each button.
- Define the variable that you will use to navigate the user to the relevant branch based on his selection (e.g Add buttonPayload as a variable name in Save Button payload in this variable - This will save the button payload in the defined variable)
- Then add another Branch and complete as step 4
For each Branch depending on the type of inputs needed from the user to check/create/delete an application you can:
- Add a Collect input widget based on the use case and select the validation as Text. For example, if you are collecting Name
- Add a Collect input widget based on the use case and select the validation as email. For example, if you are collecting Email
- Add a Collect input based on the use case and select the validation as an image, For example, if you need any particular document to verify
- You can add more Collect input widgets in case you need to configure more information in Bot with different types of validations.
If you need to send the collected information to your system, you can use the Service Call widget, which allows you to integrate with any external system that you are using, with REST or XML approach. For more information, you can check here. Let's say information is saved to the variable: status
After Service Call use Send message and write content as needed and use variable status in order to print out value from your system to customers.
Note: in case number validation is needed, a Javascript code can be added with custom validation. -
You can now Test this bot then be ready to Deploy๐
Updated about 1 month ago