API error codes

The possible error codes and response you can get from using the Whatsapp API

In this guide, you will be acquainted with the API error code and status that is applicable for the Whatsapp API.

API Error CodeResponseRemarks
400 Bad Request{"message": "Invalid request sent.", "errors": errors}Suggests that some payload validation were not passed successfully. You will need to refactor your request body payload.
400 Bad Request{
"message": "Phone number {phone_number} does not exists in the list of testing phone numbers"
Applies when you attempt to send a sandbox test message to a recipient that is not added as one of the 10 testing phone numbers.
401 Unauthorized{
"message": "Unauthorized"
Applies when some authorization headers are missing.
402 Payment Required{
"message": "Application with ID: {application_id} belongs to an account which has no balance available."
Applies when your account do not have sufficient balance to carry out this application.
402 Payment Required{
"message": "You have consumed the allocated Sandbox usage , Please contact Unifonic team"
Applies when your account has reached the sandbox limit.
403 Forbidden{
"message": "User is not authorized to access this resource with an explicit deny"
Applies when some authorization headers are incorrect.
500 Internal Server Error{"message": "Sending messages is temporarily unavailable."}General error that suggests that the API service is currently unavailable.